If Mayor Espinosa’s death is not shocking enough for you, then the alleged affidavit might give you a heart attack because some of the names are unexpected.
A Facebook user who identifies herself as Denise Celdran shared the screenshot of the affidavit of Mayor Espinosa sworn under oath before his death.
The caption reads: Affidavit of Mayor Espinosa.
The usual suspects are on the list including the narco general named by President Duterte.
According to the photo of the affidavit of Mayor Espinosa, question no. 30 asked: “Can you name them?”
Answer: Yes, based on the pocket notebook in my possession. The names enumerate the usual and non-familiar names, but General Espina?

Gen. Espina won the hearts of he netizens during the SAF 44 senate investigation for crying on TV.
Meanwhile, another screenshot of the supposed affidavit of mayor Espinosa allegedly shows the involvement of the Vice Mayor of Baybay.
According to the Mayor’s knowledge, the vice mayor receives protection money from Kerwin Espinosa.
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